About project

The “EU Common Security and Defence Policy and Ukraine» project (hereinafter also as “EU_Ukr_CSDP”) is aimed at  teaching activities,  organizing international seminar, workshop and conference as well as developing the course materials, web resources and research publications which were unavailable to the Ukrainian academic community. 

The proposed teaching activities will be a foundation for developing high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate courses on the EU CSDP in Ukraine. These courses will contribute to educating a new generation of experts in EU studies in Ukraine. The proposed Jean Monnet Chair will be available not only for the NaUKMA’s community but also Ukraine-wide via virtual learning mode. It will rely on national networks of university lecturers who offer courses in EU related disciplines in Ukraine and share own experiences and results with them via the Ukrainian European Studies Association (UESA). 

The project envisages the development of course materials, web resources and research publications which were unavailable to Ukrainian academic community before. The course materials and other deliverables will be produced in line with best European practices with emphasis on interdisciplinary approach. 

International seminar, workshop and conference on the EU CSDP and its impact on Ukraine will contribute to policy changes of the Ukrainian expert community and the new Ukrainian government in area of integration and rapprochement of Ukraine into the EU CSDP. Academic events envisaged in the project will attract the widest possible groups of beneficiaries (students, university lecturers, civil servants, NGO activists). The events will focus on most contemporary issues of the EU CSDP.

No such projects were implemented earlier in Ukraine, which gives it an added value in European and global context.