Dr. Anna Kvorostiankina

Dr. Anna Kvorostiankina

is Associate Professor of Law and Founding Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies at Brusov State University, Armenia. Currently, she acts as academic coordinator of two Jean Monnet actions focused on the issues of Europeanisation of legal orders beyond the EU’s borders: JM Module “Legal Approximation Laboratory” and JM Project “COMPASS” (Comparing Approximation Strategies and Solutions [in EaP countries and the Western Balkans]). She was a co-author and a co-lecturer in the JM Module “European Integration and EU Values: Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law” (201-2019). In addition to teaching, she provides expert consultancy and training on legal approximation and implementation

of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement to the Parliament of Armenia, civil servants and civil society actors. Her research interests cover the issues of Europeanisation of legal orders of third countries with a specific focus on the approximation with EU value-based acquis and Europeanisation of judiciary; constitutional identities and constitutional reforms in EaP countries; and particularities of the Rule of Law in societies in transition. She has 13+ years of experience of teaching EU Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and Legal Theory.