Data collection within the research methodology

The entire research planning, design, and literature review processes converge at the data collection stage. All the critical thinking is a preparation for the actual process of collecting primary data on the topic of the research. Additionally, the researcher must also have the data analysis plan established before planning data collection, and data analysis requires clarity about:
The format of the research instruments
The analyst must guarantee that all classifications of information necessary to examine the objectives are incorporated. In addition, there must be clarity about all aspects that the research instrument(s) need to analyse, and how qualitative and quantitative items will be handled and analysed during the data analysis stage.
Identify the appropriate statistical technique
The researcher must have a full grasp of the particular statistical strategies that will be used to examine each segment of the exploration instruments. Should inferential statistics be required, the researcher must make sure they understand the procedures and the translation of the significant measurements.
Data layout and presentation
The researcher must select the type of tables and graphics that will be used in presenting the data.
Pilot study
The researcher must test the instruments with a small pilot group, inspecting the ease of use, accuracy, and sufficiency of the information to be used in the actual research study. Anything that needs improvement can then be dealt with prior to commencing the study.
The data collection plan may not be implementable as a unique or perfect structure, and therefore the researcher must be able to address unexpected possibilities. For example, if access to one of the groups is denied for some unexpected reason. It is thus necessary to have alternate courses of action for every conceivable challenge.
Interaction with participants in the study
The information-gathering plan must aim to encourage positive, informed interaction with the research participants. Prior to the data collection, all respondents are entitled to have all information about the investigation explained to them, including what is expected of them. The researcher must explain what the outcome of the results is for so that the participant can decides if they want to participate in the research. Further, the researcher must guarantee tension-free participation for the participants and that confidentiality will be maintained.
The specific research instrument that is most suitable for the topic should be stated during the research design stage. The two most commonly used primary data collection methods are the questionnaire and the interview. All research is generally concerned with obtaining answers to questions. Data collection instruments:
- Interview
- Questionnaire
The questionnaire and interview are data collection instruments that enable the researcher to pose questions to participants in search of information on the research topic. Each of these instruments has distinct features that enable the researcher to decide which is the correct and appropriate one for the specific data collection purpose.
Appropriate research context
Questionnaires are most widely used in surveys with a descriptive or exploratory purpose. They can, however, also be effectively used in studies with experiment and case study research strategies. The appropriateness of questionnaires as research tools must however be carefully examined in the context of each study. Students sometimes fail to grasp that observation, semi-structured interviews, and other data collection procedures may be more appropriate for their research objectives than questionnaires. Saunders et al. (2003:280) maintained that it is generally good practice not to rely solely on questionnaire data but to use the questionnaire in conjunction with at least one other data collection instrument. For example, a questionnaire designed to establish customers’ attitudes can be complemented by in-depth interviews to explore and understand the basis of these attitudes.
The questionnaire comprises various standardised questions designed to gather the data required. The questions serve to gather the data expected to test your theory. You need to give attention to the reliability of responses and the legitimacy of the discoveries/findings from the research instrument.
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